WINNER Online Platform

WINNER Project Finalization

We are delighted to share with you the highlights and results of our recent final event held in Valencia on February 27 & 28, which marked the conclusion of the WINNER project (Working to Improve New Networks and Employment Routes). Stakeholders dedication and collaboration along the way have been key to achieving our goals.

Here are the key takeaways from our event:

1. Final Conference Overview: The event in Valence served as a platform to showcase the project’s achievements over the duration of our collaboration. We had engaging discussions and presentations from various stakeholders.

2. Project Outcomes: We presented the tangible outcomes of the project, including reports, tools, and resources developed to support new networks and employment routes in our communities.

3. Keynote Speeches: Inspiring keynote speeches were delivered by esteemed guests, emphasizing the impact and significance of the WINNER Project’s outcomes.

4. Projects Presentations: the participants successively presented their projects. The panelists, made up of entrepreneurs and mentors, were present both in person and remotely for feedback and suggestions.

5. Networking and Collaboration: The event fostered valuable networking opportunities, allowing participants to forge new connections and explore potential future collaborations.

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to each one of you for your dedication, hard work, and support throughout the WINNER Project. Together, we have made a meaningful impact on our communities and laid the groundwork for continued progress in the future.

We are immensely grateful to our co-funder, Erasmus Plus, and all our esteemed project partners. InnEurope from Spain, APID from Italy, AYA from Turkey, FBO from Bulgaria, IED from Cyprus, and AMSED from France have played pivotal roles, offering exceptional contributions in terms of resources, expertise, investment, and unwavering commitment. Their collaboration has been instrumental in helping us achieve our goals and create a meaningful impact.

We would also like to extend a special acknowledgment to our participants, mentors, collaborators, and associated partners for their steadfast dedication to our vision. Their relentless support has been the cornerstone of this project’s success.

Stay Tuned!