WINNER Online Platform

WINNER: Women Inclusion through Innovative Social Entrepreneurship Practices

Common barriers that prevent women from entering the entrepreneurial ecosystem are lack of training, age discrimination, insufficient networks, and women’s perceptions. Acknowledging these observations, the European project WINNER provides resources to support the personal and professional development of adult women, interested in entrepreneurship-related career trajectories. 

Adult Women

Participants come from different cultural and social backgrounds, surpassing barriers and social stereotypes.

Female Entrepreneurship Business Leaders

Female role models who act as mentors to the participants of the project's activities.

Addressing the major challenges faced by women who are interested in becoming familiarized with entrepreneurial practices and pursuing a business career.

Popular Courses

L’esprit d’entreprise peut avoir de nombreux avantages pour la société, comme donner aux femmes les moyens de travailler pour elles-mêm...
4 Lectures
De nombreuses personnes ont une idée d’entreprise qui semble parfaitement réalisable, mais le manque de connaissances sur la manière de concr...
4 Lectures
Si vous souhaitez élaborer un projet d’entreprise, vous devez d’abord connaître le marché sur lequel il se déroulera. Vous devrez compr...
4 Lectures

Participating Organisations


Results Dedicated to Adult Women


Events in Each Partner Country

Latest News

Social Entrepreneurship Women Hackathon

The WINNER Hackathon Open Call selected the 10 most promising and innovative social ideas per country in six different countries (France, Spain, Turkey, Italy, Cyprus and Bulgaria) with high potential for market.

6th Newsletter of WINNER – March 2024

We are delighted to share with you the highlights and results of our recent final event held in Valencia on February 27 & 28, which marked the conclusion of the WINNER project (Working to Improve New Networks and Employment Routes). Stakeholders dedication and collaboration along the way have been key to achieving our goals.

5th Newsletter of WINNER – February 2024

As we begin a new year, Project Winner is ending. Its goal was to help women entrepreneurs develop their talents. With Winner, we wanted to inspire women and stimulate their interest in pursuing entrepreneurial careers by challenging them during hackathon sessions in November and December 2023.


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